Intuitive Art Classes

Art and Meditation Combine in these unique workshops

Intuitive Art
is a process of creating art using an inner awareness that is heart centered and does not rely on analysis or head based questions. It is a way of creating that is about connecting into your emotions and responding to what feels right. when we work this way , it opens our third eye stimulating our psychic ability. Creativity will open us up to new ideas and rewire our brain , this, in turn helps up on our transformative journey

I will guide you in the artistic process and demonstrate techniques to help you create your own unique painting

Luminous Peacock the Peacock looks into the innermost part of you and finds what makes your soul beautiful.

Connect with the energy of the peacock and create your own unique piece of art


Dragonfly Of Transformation The Dragonfly is a symbol of spiritual transformation, as the Butterfly is a symbol of physical transformation. When a butterfly goes into its cocoon, it completely dissolves, rearranges its DNA and turns into something completely different. The Dragonfly however, is born with everything it needs to become a dragonfly, but it doesn’t realize it. Through hard work, determination, and intuitiveness, the dragonfly becomes its higher self.

Find Your Creativity
Paired with meditation you will open up a channel from your subconscious and direct your creativity, stimulating your psychic ability and nurturing your intuitiveness like never before.